Matthew James Barton

(Unfinished) I Found David


So it's been awhile, hasn't it doc. I dunno really know where to start if I'm honest. Like a lifelong sinner at his first confessional, it's all a big fucktruck full of shite I think I should be spilling. I'd like to think there's an order, a timeline I could feed you to make it make sense, or to make me look better, but I can't think of one. When did it start? Well, if you want to get technical, it started back when we were kids.

...Did David run away?

I was just getting to that. Like I said, I'm just deciding a way to tell the story.

...I don't want your version, I want the truth.

Yeah, I know, but if I don't tell you the events leading up to it you won't have a clue why it all went shitwards, okay? Okay, good.


'I can't be fucked Mike.' Shorts wasn't happy, he kept trying to get us to turn back. I agreed, Mike wasn't paying much attention.

'It's just down the path here, don't be a buzzkill.'

'Look I don't like it.'

'What's the fucking problem, it's something cool we found, we're going to see it, simple as.'

Shorts shut up quickly, we know when Mikey swears it's a bad sign, Shorts cursed every other word but Mike only used them when he was angry, when he was close to walking off, when he had to lash out.

But it sparked something other than fear or surprise in me, interest... at what it must be, at what they found, something cool enough for Mikey to get like this.