
Chapter Four

It's been four days since I last saw Faye. Well, four days since I was in her house trying to [/i]avoid[i] looking at her. I kept running away from the pull I had towards her, only to find myself going back and watching her from afar. The night I left her house, I didn't even go back to my own, but high up the mountain to an old cabin I'd found with my brother when we'd been young and used as a hide out. I sat in there now, the few things we'd brought up to it falling apart from the leaky roof keeping them moist over the years.

I thought back to the moment I'd seen her in the forest, remembering how terrified she had been when she saw me in my beastly form. It pained me to think that she had been so scared of me.

[i]Why do you even care, Cain?[/i] I thought to myself, crushing some dried leaves in my hand and sprinkling the pieces on the floor. I [i]was[/i] in the forest near her home purposely, following the draw my body had towards her, and hoping to catch a glimpse of her to satisfy at least part of the strange need to be near her. I hadn't intended on her being in the forest though, my curiosity getting the better of me, urging me closer to her when I did see her. But she had been afraid of me, so I had run away, like a coward.

I'd seen her with Abi, listened to her ask about me. That made me smile. But this whole connection I felt I had with her was giving me permanent frown lines.

I felt I had to talk to someone about it, get some answers. But who? Abi was out of the question, maybe mum. I shut the rotting door of the cabin and made my way back down the mountain, the sun setting over the trees.

"He lives!" Mum announced as I walked through the front door. "How many days has it been now?"

I ignored her and walked towards the couch in the den, plopping down and enjoying the comfort it provided. "Mum, I need your advice."

She perked up an eyebrow, which was one of the traits Abi had got off her, and sat down beside me. "This is different, but I'm listening."

I explained to her how I'd had a strange pull towards Faye ever since she'd moved in. That I longed to be near her, wanted to be beside her all the time. How even when I had dated some girls from high school, I had felt a connection to someone else and I could never love these other girls. That I'd been having dreams about her every night, though I left out the part about my brother. I also kept Faye having seen me as a wolf as a secret.

I could feel myself blushing from embarrassment as mum stared at me. I had practically just admitted that I was stalking some girl I was subconsciously in love with.

Mum was silent for a while and I looked up at her to see that she wasn't looking at me anymore, but she seemed to be deep in thought.

"It sounds like you're in love, Cain." She said and frowned at me as I snorted. "Your father described the same thing to me when he first met me."

It was my turn to frown. I knew mum had known about what my dad was before he turned her, she had loved him even then. But I struggled to wrap my head around the fact that I was in [i]love[/i] with someone I'd only just met.

"How can I love her?" I rubbed my eyes and groaned. I'd be lying if I didn't think Faye was beautiful, she was extremely beautiful, but I couldn't be in love with her, could I? "What do I do now?" I asked. "You knew what dad was, she doesn't know anything."

She sighed and rubbed her temples. "You are in a bit of a difficult situation. I don't want to say that you have to forget about her, because she is your soulmate."


The word sent my mind spinning. I knew a bit about the subject but I never thought my soulmate would be someone I knew nothing about.

Werewolves weren't meant to associate with humans for this reason. We're only meant to mate with other werewolves and continue strong bloodlines. I came from a bloodline that was purely made up of wolves from the originals, my father being the first to be shunned when he said that he was in love with a human. Was I really the same as him? A disappointment.

"I can only suggest getting closer to her and gaining her trust." Mum said, bringing me back to the present. "Lucas is her father after all."

I chewed on the inside of my mouth and stood up abruptly, startling my mum.

"Where are you going?" Mum called out as I head towards the front door.

"To pay the Huntleys a visit."

I sat outside their house, watching them through the windows, listening to them as they talked about school, Faye's friendship with Abi, even how I hadn't been seen for four days. I heard a muffled goodnight and the rooms downstairs went dark. A light switched on in what I presumed to be Faye's room and I climbed up a tree closest to her window. I crept along the roof and sat outside her window.

[i]Could I really be any creepier right now?[/i] I questioned myself as I listened to her lay down on her bed and her daily routine of calling Kat begin.

[i]yup[/i] I answered myself, realising I had learned her nightly routine. My patience was wearing thin as I listened to them prattle on about unimportant things, maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Finally the phone went silent and I crouched beside the window, my hand millimetres away from the glass. I lightly knocked on it.


I knocked again a little louder.

I heard shuffling and then quiet footsteps creeping towards the window, hesitating behind it.

So I knocked again and the curtain flew open. I hid so quickly my heart picked up a pace. I could sense her close to window and then I heard a click and the window slide up. I turned my head just as she did and saw her eyes open wide. Her mouth opened to scream but I covered it with my hand, pushing her back into her room as I crawled in through the window behind her.

"Shhh, shh shh shh, it's me, Cain." I watched her eyebrows frown as she recognised me. "If I let you go, will you promise not to scream?"

She nodded so I let go. Her mouth was open again though, a scream making its way up her throat but not quickly enough. My hand was over her mouth again instantly and I sighed loudly. "I don't want to hurt you Faye. I promise."

Her look screamed 'Yeah right' but I stared her down until I felt her finally relax.

I took my hand off her face again, ready for her to scream again, but she stayed silent, looking at me with her arms crossed.

"'Hi, it's nice to meet you.'" She said in a weird voice. I gave her a weird look at she continued. "'My name's Faye, I'm Lucas's daughter.'"

I scrunched up my eyes as I realised what she was doing.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about that night." I apologised. "It's kinda why I'm here now."

She looked at me, her arms still crossed, waiting for the explanation.

"I love you."

[i]Uurgh, why did I say that?![/i]

Her eyes widened as her arms fell to her sides. "Excuse me?" She almost screamed.

"I don't get it either." I went on. "But apparently you're my soulmate and it's why I've been drawn to you ever since I almost got run over by you." I finished.

"You're the one that dented my car?!"

"Huh? That's what you care about right now?" I asked confused.

"Honestly, it's the only thing that made the tiniest bit of sense from what you just said to me."

I bit my lip, noticing her heart rate increase and her cheeks turn pink, and as attractive as I found it, my mind was still racing over how to explain everything to her.

She sighed and sat on the edge of her bed, rolling up her sleeves and leaning her head into her hands. "I'm still waiting for a better explanation than that." She said.

As I paced the room, my eyes noticed a strange scar on her arm. It tugged at a memory from my childhood, but there was no way it could be the same girl that was involved.

"How did you get that scar?" I asked, walking up to her.

She quickly rolled her sleeve down and looked up at me. "Um I fell in the forest when I was a kid."


"You probably won't believe me, my own dad didn't."

"Tell me." I urged kindly.

She sighed and rubbed the scarred arm.

"I was eight, visiting my dad, and I went to play in the forest. A little wolf pup appeared out of no where and I chased it as it ran around me. It was like we were playing a game. We went far into the forest and I knew I was lost, but we kept playing.

I fell then, merely tripped. But I rolled and cut my arm deep on something sharp. I got knocked out, waking up in a small ditch, the pup curled up beside me until my dad found me."

I was frozen. I now understood how I knew her, why the pull I had for her was so great.

"That was you.." I whispered.


I looked up at her and smiled. Comfort washed over me just by knowing who exactly Faye was.

"I- I dont understand, Cain." Faye said nervously.

"I was... I was there." I said slowly, not knowing how to tell her my secret. My families secret.

"What do you mean? How?" Her voiced was laced with panic.

"I was the wolf, Faye." I said after a period of silence. I crouched in front of her, her eyes still wide in disbelief. "The wolf you saw in the forest on Saturday? That was me too."

She looked into my eyes now, the moon shining in through the window making them glow.

"Your eyes..." She whispered. "I first saw them in my dreams. I kept seeing them after that, like when you jumped on my car and when I saw the wolf."

"You've seen me in your dreams?"

She nodded. "Every night. I thought I was going crazy."

"I've been having dreams too. I'm chasing you and then you fall and-" I couldn't bring myself to tell her how it ends but she finishes it for me.

"I die?"

She describes her dreams to me and they are identical, only they are played out from our own perspectives. I took a stab at it being to do with her being my soulmate, but what does my brothers appearance in it mean?

"So, go back to you being a wolf or whatever, because I'm still confused about that." Faye said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Werewolf, to be specific."

She nodded in understanding, but then shook her head. "You gotta realise how crazy this is sounding to me."

"It's the truth." I urged, forcing her to look into my eyes that I knew were glowing in the moonlight.

"Okay, so if it is true, what do you want me to do?" She questioned.

"I don't know..." I murmur, looking at the floor.

"My dad said wolves haven't been in the forest for years. It pissed me off when he didn't believe me, but he's a hunter, he'd know better than anyone else."

I scratch my head and smile awkwardly. "Well he does know about us, Faye. He protects us."

"Wait, What!?" She spluttered.

"It's probably why he said it wasn't a wolf you had seen on Saturday, and when you were little. He keeps our secret, well, a secret."

She looked bewildered, her hands clutching her head. I understood that she must have a lot to process so I stood up and walked to the window. I'd told her my secret, I didn't want to beg her to be mine, she was probably already scared of me as is. I'd have to live through the longing until she made her decision.

"Where are you going?" She said, suddenly behind me and clutching my wrist. The contact sent tingles through my body and I noticed her shiver too.

"Did you feel that?" She breathed. I nodded in response.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, until I leaned in close to her face, hearing her breath hitch in her throat.

"I don't want to force you into anything." I whisper into her ear. "You know my secret now. I am forever yours, and I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful girl, even if she chooses to spend her time with someone else." I kiss her softly on the cheek, sending sparks flying through my lips, and disappear through her window into the night.