Erika Koenig-Workman

Antidotes Rhea Phoenix

“November rain in Livan-drea is equivalent to late night music of a distant language that speaks directly to my spirit. Stripped of any pretension, vulnerable I wait; for revelation—presence of Spirit. Nothing else to do but bide my time, easy though it is to forget, I practice to remember reciting words that pass through, The Forth Dimension, Time….“

~Rhea Phoenix, 11.30.10

“Cartography is the practice and science of drawing maps. I stumbled across what is deep within, I did not create it. A lost legacy naked before me was my consolation…. “~Rhea Phoenix, 10.31.10

“Speak, write, draw, paint, dance and sing and last but not least [weld] what you know, begin from where you are, everyday, everytime….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.11.10

” ….I love the elements—sometimes I would rather be a strand yet for some inexplicable reason I was created to walk the earth within the kingdom of Animalia in the subfamily of homininae.”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.20.09

“I walked towards Burning Mountain, it was there that all things would be reconciled and set right. I wandered in a low lying valley resting on a plateau to cry out salty tears that turned to crystal and dropped in the sand below… “~Rhea Phoenix, 10.07.09

“I often wonder what turns the tide away from absolute soul sickness that flatlines a future unknown by raging mania….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.02.09

“Do you know what is worth fighting for?”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.26.08

“I realized that I could not take for granted a moment in time. My days are few and I work with the limitations imposed on me, this helps to rely upon imagination in a greater way. The trick is to recover at a quick pace each time I miss a beat. I believe even the missed beats have a singular purpose all their own…. “~Rhea Phoenix, 10.21.08

“I saw beyond the substance….in and through it, a gift. No matter how hard I work to hone my ability into a palpable skill—I fail, since everything is given from above I cannot argue….a Scribe I am, a mere child learning to find my legs…. “~Rhea Phoenix, 10.11.08

“And so it was noted, ‘backfire can lead to flashback’ which means watch out how much fuel you add to the fire, it is better to be safe than sorry, better to have common sense about things than be complacent…yet how easy it is to fall into indifference, to forget what is important in the present moment…. “~Rhea Phoenix, 10.27.07

“To get lost in the meaning of words and their message is an endless endeavour that occupies much of my time the other being the mystery of alchemy and the fact that fire must be applied to the subject-object to distinguish authenticity. The value of its property cannot be mistaken once heat has broken down impurity what remains is valuable essence….”

~Rhea Phoenix, 10.15.07

“Remember nothing is as it seems, concentrate on the invisible since what is visible is temporary. I’ve learned that….’Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see’, [not my words—they belong to the Ancient of Days]

~Rhea Phoenix, 10.07.06

“Leg up and into the fire she went tumbling head first unto a destination known only to providence and the piping industry….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.06.30

“A wise, giddy imagination poses its drawbacks. I am recalcitrant, willful and easily obstreperous. No matter whether I was given these traits or learned them, on my best days I offer them up for Good, on my worst days I withhold everything struggling to learn lessons I must. It’s a bloody painful journey….”

~Rhea Phoenix, 10.06.17

“I am waiting to hear your story. The only story you have to tell which no one else can speak. For this is your sui generis, the unique idea of yourself that will never be like anyone else and is utterly identifiable as only you….”

~Rhea Phoenix, 10.06.14

“More than anything I want only to know you are with me. Your Presence has come to me again, I thank you. Now, I sense a strong craving for more of you….”

~Rhea Phoenix, 10.06.03

“I am still not used to living on earth which is both brutal and beautiful. Sometimes I want the story to fade to black and be done, to come to an even ending of sorts or to end in a harmony or even a minor chord and be finished once and for all….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.05.26

“You may have been thinking that I had forgotten about map making….well I want to assure you that it takes a long time to gather all the needed materials. Please bear with me and I promise I will not disappoint you….”

~Rhea Phoenix, 10.05.07

“It was a matter of gathering the data. First things first, I collected myself to set out on the adventure of mapping Livan-drea….rumours were afoot that it was unlikely to happen but I knew better. Chronos had all things in order and in the dark silence held back for the arrival of Kairos ….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.04.20

“The power of the wild untamed met the shores of Livan-drea. Never had there been a day that went by that did not call to the sons of men, ‘come ride inside, by me abide, I will be true to you’ and many were gladly seduced knowing they had taken a chance to catch the ‘red flesh’ of the sea at a time when abundance reigned forever….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.04.20

“Kiera knelt down and tasted the salt in human tears, it reminded her of the tang of the ocean.”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.04.13

“Out in the open air on the edges of Livan-drea cold chill white wind pressed me—I was done, outta here….I fell to the ground as if dead, before the sun rose I began to stir, I had come through, so I danced and threw the biggest party I ever knew.”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.04.04

“Today I am in darkness, in your deep earth I settle into sleep fully expecting not to awaken, little do I know what lies ahead and it’s a good thing. I’m still hoping, waiting with the patience of an earthworm to edge to the other side of through….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.04.02

“I’ve often wondered if it would be better to be lost to this world…there is much fanfare around being found but more often than not removal of one’s self from the brittle reality of daily living with all its complications is a welcome thought….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.03.25

“I listen to the silence, the wind and the rain then I lavish my love upon you….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.03.14

“….there is no easy —if it pleases you try to come to terms with life being unfair most of the time, work with that find a way perhaps this day….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.03.01

“Yet in Livan-drea anything could happen. Tears could turn into gemstones, pearls find their way back to the oyster, and ‘the red flesh’ of the sea fought for its very life….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 10.20.02

“Love takes impossible chances”

~Rhea Phoenix, 10.18.02

“All put down to nothing, news long gone….we carried on quickly forgetting everything important you left behind —until we took time to notice, even then the greens were greener because you had returned to the earth once and for all” ~Rhea Phoenix, 10.06.02

“Apprentices milled about in the outside foyer at the opening of the temple, they were here on account of Hmv….yet Livan-drea’s inhabitants did not know it had lost one of it’s best” ~Rhea Phoenix, 10.04.02

“Sometimes time stands still, especially for those who suffer in body and mind…I want to in my small way bring a ray of hope…a smile to your face right to the end of this race”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.02.02

“Time is for each of us certain to be uncertain since it belongs to a sphere that we are not acquainted with. String theories and supersymmetry I imagine are close cousins….”~Rhea Phoenix, 10.24.01

“I had always felt that the way forward was there without knowing what it looked like, then after meeting the master I gained resolve and confidence and I stepped into unknown territory, quaking with fear” ~Rhea Phoenix, 10.02.01

“They were the original blacksmiths, welders and silver smiths. The Foundry of Livan-drea was home to a community of metal workers. They designed and built tools, apparatus and garments fashioned out of metal made to last; for industry, trade and warfare”

~Rhea Phoenix, 09.27.12

“Some stories remain excruciatingly difficult to tell. Yet in order for there to be completion, or healing they must be repeated and spoken aloud so their truth is known”.
~Rhea Phoenix, 09.26.12

“Many moments are filled with unbearable sadness and grief. Someone once told me there is no way round but only through and this is the way we will not choose until we realize there is no other way”. ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.23.12

“If I don’t treat life as a dangerous adventure then it will be better for me to fall into a deep sleep that I’ll never wake from. ‘Be of good courage and do not fear‘ these are not my words, but words from one who loves you, from a universe that is the playground of messengers from afar reaching out to a starving humanity” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.16.12

“Daily I allow my imagination to take me to places I’ve not found in my experience of living a physical existence. I find it is the only way to survive the harshness of a vocation on a planet that is decaying and being remade.” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.09.12

“Is there any point in separating the darks from the lights? While we are here it will always be a mixture in our waking life. Until a span of days is fulfilled we live in 256 shades of grey. We will sleep before a juncture is reached and witness Kairos eclipse Chronos” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.08.12

“Like yourself first then move on to loving yourself, there is particular order to transformation and it is not to be messed with” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.06.12

“What was impossible is possible. Your life will change and you will be changed when you are ready….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.01.12

“Low lying grey hovered over the waters off the shores of Livan-drea. The fires at the Foundry burned bright by night and the roar of the fire kept us warm while fashionable metallic garments aligned themselves to the rough walls and gleamed with insouciance”

~Rhea Phoenix, 09.30.11

“Most of life here is waiting….in our journeying we never really arrive, get used to it and your troubles will have less of a sting” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.27.11

“My hope is that you will rest now, for the changes ahead will be like none you have ever known”~Rhea Phoenix, 09.23.11

“For a long time you had trained yourself. There was little pleasure in it — more pain in fact, a deep mental pain that forced itself upon you. This ‘way’ had chosen you, you wouldn’t have chosen it yourself”

~Rhea Phoenix, 09.22.11

“It takes a long time to believe in ourselves. When a person or animal is honoured their dna is strengthened and the seat of their soul is satisfied. This is what we are created for to express our essential selves” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.21.11

“Gifts are often those things in ourselves we dislike, generally speaking they are our weaknesses. It is how we handle them and allow ourselves to be transformed by them that matters” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.07.11

“In Livan-drea you can stand at the most westerly point and encounter the fierceness of the wind….if you withstand its powerful mastery you will become brave” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.06.11

“I no longer live in ‘plan to do’ but in ‘hope to do’. I learned this from a wise woman” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.04.11

“Have you listened to the sound of rushing water or the wind in the trees of late?” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.03.11

“Standing firm in the eye of the storm; it is best to rely on those you trust. True colours will show themselves in action or non-action and you will know who is friend or foe….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.31.10

“There is no making sense of things, everyday is an exercise in faith, hope and love, all that is needed is courage, and that is the first and most perilous level. Since I am not accustomed to courage I daily have to train myself to embrace it, you see I am naturally fearful….”~Rhea Phoenix, 09.08.10

“In this present time before the full season of darkness descends you must turn facing yourself first, second you must know where your hope rests” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.02.10

“It is time to let go of the destiny of others, focus only on your own”

~Rhea Phoenix, 09.30.09

“The Battle is real, you will be asked to prepare yourself and it will be up to you to choose….”~Rhea Phoenix, 09.30.09

“The grey zone is a temporary season….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.29.09

“When you make an error, immediately forgive yourself or you will be dogged by guilt where ever you go and much time will pass that otherwise could be used for Good” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.28.09

“Kiera hit the stone hard, laying unconscious slowly she come back to Chronos and waited for her mind to clear….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.27.09

“I encouraged Kiera to walk in full light since that is where all things stay bright” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.26.09

“The Path affords supernatural opportunities—if we would only but give it a chance….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.25.09

“Working with our hands, we integrated the ideas given. To forge the metal into tools and weapons that we used for battle — and it made us happy….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.24.09

“There was a time in the Fortress City Livan-drea, when all things were real—now we look at each other’s faces, wishing for disclosure….”~Rhea Phoenix, 09.22.09

“Im waiting for just the right time, for when the time is right—Kairos some call it….”~Rhea Phoenix, 09.15.09

“The further away the more real you become I can see in a glass darkly, I will keep looking” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.09.09

“‘Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter….concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir'” (Oxford), ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.08.09

“I want to love….it is a frail and dangerous thing but I have to try” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.08.09

“Walk your way to your dreams, visual imagination is for creating now, all will be well….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.07.09

“Life is unusual, surreal, and bizarre. I find nothing regular about it”

~Rhea Phoenix, 09.06.09

“Really, you do not have time, face it—Chronos is on your trail, yet Kairos is saddling up to your side” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.05.09

“You sat patiently and listened to my rambling. I don’t remember you speaking just sitting and waiting….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.03.09

“I aim to rouse a smile in your heart to see it come up to your face until your lips curl into that well familiar arc that softens the moment” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.02.09

“Listen carefully to the river, the land, the wind they speak unimaginable joy”

~Rhea Phoenix, 09.01.09

“I funnel passion into the very geographical place where battles are fought, lost and won each day ” ~Rhea Phoenix, 09.01.09

“Imagination stirs even shakes the ground beneath you, you must be ready for the unexpected outcome, it is often messy and painful”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.31.09

“Learning to move is the beginning. Discipline your self to repeat the movement, it will soon become a deep part of you” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.28.09

“Sometimes force is required to get the job done….the job of bringing imagination to bear on difficult circumstances” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.27.09

“It is better to act than not at all. I have been taught by movement, I’m told it never lies….”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.27.09

“In a moment your world can be altered irrevocably….”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.25.09

“Portals are something that you have known about, I don’t ignore them….”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.24.09

“Teach me language, the language of love — because I am of this earth….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.23.09

“You have given me gifts, far more than you know, thank you, gracias….”

~Rhea Phoenix, 08.22.09

“I wish all happiness for you and for your freedom….”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.22.09

“Life in Chronos isn’t fair nor will it ever be, Kairos–ah well, I will leave it to your dreaming….”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.21.09

“Sometimes you don’t know what you’re in for until you’re smack dab in the middle of it then you learn, like it or lump it” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.20.09

“This morning I ask myself ‘What’s in it for me?”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.20.09

“I remember; then I use my imagination to envision the future (el futuro), there is no better moment than now because you never know when your time is up” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.19.09

“I have a love-hate relationship with my heart’s contradictions….”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.18.09

“I will use my imagination to find the solution, I promise you”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.18.09

“Life on earth is wonderful hard work and I live to see your happy face one day walking down the street in Steveston.” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.18.09

“I want your happiness I use my imagination and my dreaming to envision el futuro for all Goodness, it is really quite simple….” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.17.09

“The Desert is a lonely place, it is one of the few places where mortals allow themselves to adapt” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.16.09

“I keep looking up at the stars, each day I turn my gaze toward the sky, I watch, listen and wait….”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.15.09

“When you live in this realm, in Chronos, you have to be patient and wait for most things, Kairos is a different story” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.14.09

“I never intended to be a messenger, I am what I am I can’t be anyone else, believe me I’ve tried…”~Rhea Phoenix 08.14.09

“In my dreams I see you I keep watching….I will find the map”~Rhea Phoenix 08.14.09

“In the middle of the day go to a quiet place, disregard Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn atmospheres hold on to something in your hands, like soil, plants, anything alive~its the best way I know to calm myself” ~Rhea Phoenix 08.13.09

“Where I am from nothing is as it seems. Imagination is the key to seeing properly.” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.12.09

“Using my imagination is the best use of my time, I keep up curiosity and then vision comes.”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.11.09

“I live inside of a dream, fantasy is my reality”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.10.09

“Counting down the days until my next journey, looking forward to off planet excursions” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.10.09

“Fantasy is not a bad thing, it is pure imagination and that’s where my home is” ~Rhea Phoenix, 08.09.09

Inception~”When it is painful to live in reality, do like I do and live in imagination”~Rhea Phoenix, 08.08.09