Erika Koenig-Workman

What is the colour of pain

At first light I thought grey No – I look at the colour wheel and see it is all the colours

Thank you for organizing colour

for us Sir Isaac Newton

We are all the colours aren’t we

I cannot separate any hue or tone I find a place within myself where shadows and highlights reside

Colour is overlaid upon black and white graphic design taught me 256 shades of grey play on a scale

Mathematicians have a field day when they reflect on the colour wheel with Sir Isaac Newton

All of my pain is highlighted with shadows of remnants of what was

I see threads and bits of paper for a brief time on the floor I have stopped collecting them

A marriage died Friends died I died

There was much blood I could not clean it up

So I waited for a very long time for the deaths to be done

Regeneration is stronger than death Love is stronger than death Life is stronger than destruction

Oh earth, please Mother Forgive us

Oh earth, please Father Embrace us

Until this death time is done