Erika Koenig-Workman

Not so Slight Sins

A poetic description of not so slight sins and how they affect the heart

It is the not so slight sins that chip away at the Joy of Salvation in Christ—the treasury of the heart Within that secret hidden quiet place

Until one experiences the depth of Joy and Peace in Christ

One cannot know the pain that follows where sins

Wedge themselves into the dark corners of the heart

I experience a deep sense of separation

Sadness, grief, and depression permeate relationships

Calcification occurs upon the heart like plaque in the recess of gums

It is in the confessional where sins are regularly removed a penance given a prayer spoken

It is in the dentists chair where teeth are cleaned and decay is ousted and treated

All sin is separation from the One Holy Trinity, from the One True G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

There are degrees and levels regarding different kinds of sin that puncture the pulmonary organ on the way to the heart the seat of the soul

I am noticing this now and recording it here for your benefit and for my own understanding

For anyone who cares to read this and take it to heart

Meaning: take seriously: S I N