Erika Koenig-Workman

Speak English

Please—What say you?

We fight the same war

French English

English French

Closer than we can imagine

We are together impassioned

Our language our customs

Similar difference in sameness

The bell tolls

French crossbow

English longbow

How similar are we to each other

I’m certain our fears are shared

We cannot win this battle

We will flounder together

Without speed or mobility

Each sentiment together beyond

Our response with full force



Ride with me

Rob those who deserve

To be robbed

Beside me into battle

All plans are spectacular

Tomorrow I discover the golden thread

To give you my life

This my task

I need you

My Confidence

You are my friend

I will to join you

Early into the morning dawn

We will pactice our communion

My tears become a drink

Shared with my brethren

A kingdom united